MyTutor for Students

Top 9 videos to help you relax during exam season

As exams get closer and revision becomes a bigger part of your life, having techniques to stay relaxed can make the world of difference. Knowing how to stay calm can help you study better, keep your stamina up between now and June, and – most importantly – stay happy and well. 

There are lots of different ways to keep your inner peace in check, and really it’s about finding what works for you. Here we’ve put together 9 fun and easy YouTube videos to help you relax, de-stress and motivate yourself to keep going when revision gets too much.  

  1. 10-minute meditation
  2. Tibetan healing sounds
  3. 5-minute gratitude meditation
  4. Relaxing drum ‘n’ bass
  5. 10 minutes of dogs
  6. 10-minute workout
  7. Michelle Obama on resilience
  8. Brene Brown on self-acceptance
  9. ASMR recording of puppies sleeping

1. 10-minute meditation

Meditation is an amazing and quick way to calm yourself, quiet your thoughts and find focus. It’s been practised for thousands of years, but if you haven’t tried it before, it can sound more complex than it is. To get started, you just find a quiet place to sit, shut off distractions and go. Listening to a guided meditation track like this one can make it a lot easier to get started. You could try 10-min meditations like this during study breaks, at the start of the day before breakfast, or just before bed. 

2. Tibetan healing sounds

If exam stress is getting to you, try taking time to lie down or sit and let these relaxing gong sounds wash over you. After your break, you can return to your studies with a fresh mind. 

3. 5-minute gratitude meditation

The closer exams get, the harder it can be to stop worrying about what grades you’re going to get. But news flash – grades aren’t the only important thing in your life. Taking time to feel gratitude for all the good things you already have in your life – your talents, your friends, your dog – can help you worry less and feel happier in the moment. 

4. Relaxing drum ‘n’ bass

Just because it’s study season, it doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying music. And if your jam is drum’n’bass, here’s an hour-long playlist designed to help you relax to the beat.

5. 10 minutes of dogs

If you start to feel really stressed about exams, it’s good to have some emergency measures set aside. Bring in the fluffy dogs! Yes, here is 10 minutes of doggos doing all the stuff that we humans love – falling over, acting like people and making weird noises. Watch and forget about what’s worrying you. 

6. 10-minute workout

Whether you’re normally out on the football pitch, or have never willingly exercised outside P.E., short bursts of exercise can work wonders for your mood. It can lower stress, help you concentrate better and give you that sweet high known as endorphins. You’ve probably heard of the U.K.’s favourite coach, Joe Wicks. Here’s one of his quickest workouts to try – perfect for when you’re hitting a study slump.

7. Michelle Obama on resilience

If you’ve been wading through revision for days, sometimes what you need is a bit of perspective. And who better to get you motivated than one of the world’s most inspiring women, former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama? In this talk for graduating students, Michelle talks about how even in the hardest situations you can develop some of the most valuable skills, like resilience and determination. So however hard you’re finding your Chemistry revision – you can do this!

8. Brene Brown on self-acceptance

One of the biggest causes of stress for anyone revising is self-doubt. If you constantly tell yourself that you’re not smart enough, or that you’ll never be as good as that person, you can get in your own way before you’ve even given yourself a chance. In this 10-minute clip, author and thought leader Brene Brown talks about how letting go of self-criticism can open the door to achieving your full potential – and being happy in life. 

9. ASMR recording of puppies sleeping

If you’re feeling frazzled and need to wind down for bed, try following in these puppies’ paw-steps. That’s right. Listen to the gentle sound of a litter of puppies sleeping – for up to 38 minutes – and let thoughts of equations and quotations melt away. 

We hope  you found something for you in there. And if there’s one type of video you like, there’s plenty more out there on YouTube. Try making your own video playlist to turn to when you need a break. 

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