Excellent one-to-onetuition from £22/hr

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Happy teens

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When you find a tutor you like, book a 15-minute meeting to ask questions, find out about their teaching style - and make sure they’re someone your child will get on with.

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You’ll only pay for what you use

With MyTutor, you won’t pay anything until you’ve found a great tutor, had a chat with them and booked your first lesson. No sign up fees. No subscriptions. Just plain pay-as-you-go.

Excellent tutors for a range of budgets

Once personally interviewed and onboarded, our tutors set their own prices based on their experience. Here's roughly what you can expect at each price point, and most tutors charge between £22-£32/hr.

£22 - £32

New to MyTutor and with lots of availability and earning some great early reviews

£33 - £43

Tutoring for over 6 months, completed lots of tutorials and received very positive feedback

£44 - £55

Our most accomplished tutors. Excellent reviews and a track record of proven results

The lesson cost includes the Platform Fee we take to make lessons happen. These prices don't include University level lessons, which cost up to £57

Thousands of parents, students and teachers have rated us 4.96/5

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