University Subjects

1 year ago
University Subjects

How to help your teen choose their university course

Which subject to study and which university course aren’t easy decisions for any... Read more

6 years ago

Applying to university: becoming a medical student

If you have spoken to any professionals about your ambitions to pursue medicine, they ... Read more

6 years ago

Applying to university: studying Physics

Any keen readers of the MyTutor blog over the last year may remember a piece on why ph... Read more

Handpicked tutors who are proven to raise grades
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6 years ago
Educational Advice

Applying to university: studying Business Management

I hesitated for a long time between a Marketing degree or a Business Management degree... Read more

7 years ago

Tackling the BMAT

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is not easy to prepare for, because it’s not l... Read more

7 years ago

Tackling the UKCAT

The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is a two-hour computer-based test. It is part of... Read more

Handpicked tutors who are proven to raise grades
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7 years ago
A Level

Geography?! Isn’t that just colouring in?

I’m an old, old woman now, well into my fourth year at university, but when I think ... Read more

7 years ago
A Level

Physics can’t be cool – or can it?

What kind of person springs to mind when I say Physics student? Most people conjure up... Read more

7 years ago
A Level

What can Chemistry teach us?

A look of sympathy tends to settle on many people’s faces when I tell them I study C... Read more

8 years ago
A Level

How is maths different at university? A guest blog by Mat

When it comes to applying to university, few courses are as misunderstood as maths. W... Read more

11 years ago
Educational Advice

A Day in the Life of an English Student at Oxford

Ever wondered what it’s like at Oxford? Do students spend their time fine-dining... Read more

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